Candidates who have applied earlier (through offline mode) can download their admit card for positions using their mobile number as User Id and Date of birth in YYYYMMDD format as password.
Candidates who have applied through online mode can download their admit card for positions using their login Id and password.
Candidates who have applied earlier (through offline mode but registered with online portal) can download their admit card for positions using their registered login credentials.
The Applicant must be citizen of India.
2. Applicants willing to apply are advised to apply online through the link available on the University website between the opening date 20.10.2023 and closing date 10.11.2023. No offline application form or copy of downloaded application form will be accepted by the University
3. The hard copy of application form along with all uploaded documents must be brought at the time when called upon to do so by the University. No request for change of any particular on the application form shall be entertained by the University after final submission. However, the University may ask any additional document(s) in support of already submitted information/document for clarity as & when so desired.
4. Applicants are advised to make sure before applying that they are indeed eligible in terms of minimum eligibility conditions. Only those candidates who fulfill the eligibility conditions as on cut-off date should apply. All the Certificates/documents relating to eligibility conditions including qualification, experience will be determined with regard to last/cut-off date.
5. The University does not scrutinize the documents at the time of submission of online application and the same are checked only at the time of Scrutiny of documents.
6. Candidates are advised to fill their application form carefully and correctly such as Name, Father’s/Mother’s name, Date of Birth, Marital Status, Category, Qualification, marks obtained, passing year, photo, Signature, socio-economic criteria details, experience, fee & other details etc. Candidates are advised to check the spellings as per documents. No request for change of any particular on the online application form shall be entertained by the University after submission of application form on any other ground in spite of affidavit. Candidate will be responsible for any mistake in the data of application form and fees paid by him/her.
7. A candidate needs to apply by filing up all the requisite fields and all the required documents will need to be uploaded/ sent along with the application form. Application not supported with required application fee, self-attested copies of certificates/ testimonials will be rejected. Incomplete applications or the applications received without the prescribed fee or received after the last date of receipt of applications will be rejected and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
8. The University will not be responsible for any error/omission/commission/suppression of any information by the applicant knowingly/unknowingly/overtly/covertly while filling the application form and uploading the documents. Neither any document by hand/email/post nor any request for any change will be accepted/considered after last date of submission of application form by the Candidate.
9. The decision of the University in all matters relating to acceptance or rejection of an application, eligibility/suitability of the candidates, mode and criteria for selection etc. will be final and binding on the candidates. No inquiry or correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
10. If on verification at any stage starting from submission of application form till appointment and any time even after appointment, it is found that any candidate does not fulfill any of the eligibility condition or it is found that the information/document furnished is false or incorrect, his/her candidature will be cancelled and he/she will also be liable to be debarred and criminally prosecuted. This is irrespective of whether the candidate was benefitted by furnishing the false or incorrect information in his/her application. If the candidate is selected his/her recommendation may be withdrawn after issuing show cause notice.
11. The University reserves the right to call any candidate personally along with printed copy of the application form with uploaded documents original certificates and photocopy of self-attested certificates along with Photo, Identity Proof i.e. Identity Card/Driving License/Passport/Voter Card/Pan Card/Aadhaar Card etc.
12. If any candidate wants to apply for more than one post, he/she is required to apply separately with prescribed fee for the same.
13. Age shall not below than 18 years and more than 42 years. Age relaxation to the candidates under various categories shall be given as per the provisions in the General Administration Department, Haryana Govt. notification no. 22/132/2013-1GS-III dated 22nd March 2022 or amended time to time up to last date.
14. The candidates who are already in the service of Govt./Semi Govt./Autonomous Bodies must apply through proper channel by sending a copy of printout of his/her application along with NOC & enclosures through his/her employer.
15. The eligibility conditions for respective posts are at Annexure-A. The requisite qualification and relevant experience etc. for eligibility shall be determined as on the last date of receipt of application. The selection criteria along with syllabus for written test are placed at Annexure B. It will be mandatory to qualify the written/skill test. The qualifying marks in written/skill test are 50% (47.5% for SC/PwD). The written test will be held in English language only.
16. The prescribed essential qualifications and experience indicated are bare minimum and mere possession of the same will not entitle any candidate to be shortlisted for further selection process. The University may restrict the shortlisted applicants to a reasonable number on the basis of the marks obtained in written/skill test.
17. All qualifications must be attained from recognized Board/Universities/Institutes. The applicants who have obtained qualifications from any Board/University/Institution declared fake or not recognized by respective regulatory bodies shall not be eligible for consideration for any of the post advertised.
18. The scrutiny of applications will be done on the basis of the information filled and documents uploaded by the applicants and thus remain provisional till the same gets verified. If on verification, any information/document is found to be incorrect at any stage (even after selection) the applicant will be liable for prosecution as per rules.
19. The experience will be considered only after acquiring the essential qualification.
20. a) The benefit of reservation will be given only to those (SC/ BC-A/ BC-B/ PWD/ ESM/EWS etc.) applicants who are domicile of State of Haryana.
b) The applicants seeking reservation under any category e.g.SC/BC-A/BC-B/ PWD/ EWS/ESM etc. are required to submit the requisite certificate issued by the Competent Authority as prescribed by the State Govt. In case of women candidates, certificate from in-laws (Husband side) will not be entertained. The benefit of reservation to the applicants belonging to Backward Class Category is to be considered strictly as per the provisions of Haryana Backward Class (Reservation in Services and Admission in Educational Institutions) Act, 2016. The applicants who have claimed such reservation are required to produce the requisite certificate along with Income certificate (for FY 2022-23 valid for 2023-24) issued from the Competent Authority as defined vide State Govt. Notification issued from time to time. Further, the candidates belonging to BC-A/BC-B categories are directed to obtain the fresh/latest BC-A or BC-B certificate as the case may be as per Haryana Government instruction issued vide no. 22/132/2013-1GS-III, dated 22.03.2022 for the Year 2023-2024. OBC certificate issued for jobs in Central Govt. will not be considered irrespective of income mentioned in certificate.
Note : (i) The applicants of reserved categories of Haryana for which no vacancy is available/reserved, can apply for the posts in General Category, if he/she fulfills all the eligibility conditions i.e. age, qualification & experience etc. as meant for general category except fees and also attach scanned copy of his/her caste certificates for claiming fees concession. Any other relaxation will not be admissible to such applicants.
(ii) The reserved category applicants of other States will be considered only against Un-reserved category. Such applicants should fulfill all the eligibility conditions as meant for Un-reserved category applicants.
(iii) Only such PWD candidates who suffer 40% or more relevant disability would be eligible for reservation.
(iv) ESM applicants of Haryana claiming benefit will have to produce the fresh eligibility certificate from the concerned Zila Sainik Board to the effect that his/her father has not availed the benefit of re-employment in any Government Service, Public Sector undertaking including Para-Military Forces, in view of State Government instructions. Mere dependent certificate will not be entertained.
(v) In case no suitable applicant of EWS category found, the post reserved for same will be filled by Un-reserved category candidate.
21. EWS certificate on prescribed proforma should be valid for the year in which the candidates have applied for the posts as per govt. instructions issued vide no. 12 22/12/2019-1GS-III, dated 25.02.2019. The EWS certificate should be issued after 31.03.2023 and valid for the year 2023-2024. EWS certificate issued for jobs in Central Govt. will not be considered irrespective of income mentioned in certificate. If a candidate fails to submit certificate as per above requirement, then he/she shall be considered under Un-reserved category.
22. 22. Ex-serviceman Benefit of reservation to Ex-Serviceman & their family members will be as per Government Instructions bearing No. 12/15/2019-4GS-II dated 09.03.2022 and 13.04.2022 or as amended from time to time upto the date of advertisement, viz,- (A) An ex-serviceman who himself/herself or his/her family member has already secured employment in civil service on regular basis in any Department/Board/Corporation/ University etc. under the State Government with availing the benefit of reservation- (i) he/she himself/herself shall not be entitled to avail the benefit of reservation in civil service for any subsequent appointment in any Department/Board/Corporation/ University etc. under the State Government. However, the benefit of age relaxation for securing another employment in a higher pay scale or post shall remain continue and (ii) his/her family member shall also not be entitled to avail the benefit of reservation against the posts reserved for ex-servicemen. (B) (i) An ex-serviceman who himself/herself has already secured employment in civil service on regular basis in any Department/Board/Corporation/University etc. under the State Government without availing the benefit of reservation in such case he/she himself/herself or one of his/her family members (son, daughter or spouse) will be entitled to avail the benefit of reservation; (ii) where an ex-serviceman who himself/herself is eligible to avail the benefit of reservation under these instructions but he/she does not want re-employment in civil service in such case one of his/her family members (son, daughter or spouse) will be entitled to avail the benefit of reservation. (C) If an ex-serviceman applies for various vacancies before joining any civil employment, he/she can avail the benefit of reservation as ex-serviceman for any one of the subsequent employments. However, to avail of this benefit, an ex-serviceman as soon as he/she joins any civil employment should give self-declaration/undertaking to the concerned employer about the date-wise details of applications for various vacancies for which he/she had applied for before joining the initial civil employment. Further, this benefit would be admissible only in respect of vacancies which are filled by direct recruitment and wherever reservation is applicable to the ex-servicemen. (D) The family members of martyr military personnel shall be entitled to exercise an option either- (i) to avail the benefit of reservation up to two family members; or (ii) to avail the benefit of compassionate appointment to one of the family members under the Ex-gratia Policy namely Compassionate Appointment to family member of Martyr Armed Forces Personnel Policy notified by Government from time to time. (E) The priority list for preparation of final list of selection/appointment of ex-servicemen or their family members against the posts reserved for ex-servicemen shall be as under:- (i) disabled ex-servicemen, the post(s) for which they are physically fit; (ii) failing (i), family member of disabled ex-servicemen; (iii) failing (ii), other ex-servicemen who are eligible to get the benefit of reservation under these instructions: (iv) failing (iii), family member of other ex-servicemen who are eligible to get the benefit of reservation under these instructions. (F) Disabled ex-serviceman means a person who has been released from military service due to disability attributable or aggravated due to military service. An ex- serviceman shall not be treated disabled one who has been released from military service not on account of his/her disability but has been released in the normal course after the completion of his/her term or retired from military service voluntarily. (G) Both the reservations are horizontal, therefore, a disabled ex-serviceman who is selected against the post reserved for ex-serviceman will not be counted against the post reserved for PwBD. (H) In all circumstances the benefit of reservation against the posts reserved for Ex-servicemen shall be admissible at the time of final selection list only and not at the time of preliminary test, main test or interview. (I) An ex-serviceman who have been discharged from military service by way of dismissal, misconduct or inefficiency neither he/she himself/herself nor his/her family members shall be entitled to avail the benefit of reservation in civil service.
23. ESM candidates shall produce attested photocopy of Identity Card issued by concerned Zila Sainik Board and Discharge certificate/Discharge Book. Disabled ESM shall produce disability certificate and family member of Martyr shall produce relevant certificate/Battle Casualty certificate which proves the Martyr status issued by competent authority.
24. Family member of Disabled ESM/ ESM candidates of Haryana claiming benefit must have valid eligibility certificate on last date of submission of online application form and shall produce the valid Eligibility Certificate from the concerned Zila Sainik Board if called upon to do so by Haryana Staff Selection Commission. 8.10. Benefit of reservation to the children/grandchildren of Freedom Fighters will be as per Government Instruction No. 22/49/2021-1GS-III dated 27.10.2021 and 26.04.2022. Children/Grand Children of Freedom Fighter shall be required to produce the Certificate duly issued by the respective competent authority. 8.11. Commission can direct the ESM candidates to provide relevant information along with the affidavit to avail the benefits.
25. Experience Certificate (for Socio-economic criteria and age relaxation) should be issued by competent authority of the concerned Department/ Commission/Board /Corporation etc. In experience certificate designation, date of posting, period of service and date of issuing should be clearly mentioned. Joining letter/Certificate issued by service provider (private agency) shall not be considered.
26. Provision of assistance of scribe to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities:- As per the guidelines issued by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities under Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, following facilities will be made available to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities: I. In case of persons with benchmark disabilities in the category of blindness, locomotor disability (both arm affected-BA) and cerebral palsy, the facility of scribe will be provided, if desired by the candidate. Candidates will be provided with Scribe only if they apply for availing the scribe facility in online application form. II. In case of remaining categories of persons with benchmark disabilities, the provision of scribe will be provided on production of a certificate at the time of examination to the effect that the person concerned has physical limitation to write, and scribe is essential to write examination on his/ her behalf, from the Medical Board consisting of Chief Medical Officer and at-least two other members of a Government health care institution as per Performa at Annexure-C. Candidates will be provided with Scribe only if they apply for availing the scribe facility in online application form and upload the certificate with application form as per Annexure -C. III. The qualification of the scribe should be one step below the minimum qualification prescribed for the post. The candidates with benchmark disabilities opting for scribe shall be required to submit details of the scribe at the time of examination as per proforma at Annexure-D. In addition, the scribe has to produce a valid ID proof in original at the time of examination. A photocopy of the ID proof of the scribe signed by the candidate as well as the scribe will be submitted along with proforma at Annexure-D. IV. Scribe should not be a candidate of the same examination. If a candidate is detected as assisting another PwD candidate as scribe in this examination, then the candidatures of both the candidates will be cancelled. V. No attendant other than the scribe for eligible candidates will be allowed inside the examination hall. VI. The PwD candidates who have availed the facility of Scribes shall be deemed to have availed benefit of relaxation and must produce relevant documents for the eligibility of scribe when called upon to do so by the University.
27. Concealment of facts or supply of wrong information will result in cancellation of candidature at anytime in addition to legal action.
28. Any type of corrigendum/addendum/amendment/notice/updation etc. related to this advertisement shall be uploaded on University website. Further, the University will not send any further information/ call letters by post/ newspapers. Therefore, the Candidates are advised to regularly keep on visiting the University website.
29. Applicants must have a valid active personal mobile number/emailed (not to be changed till the process gets over) as the relevant information may be emailed/SMS. The University will not be responsible for non-delivery of email/SMS.
30. No correspondence what so ever will be entertained from the candidates regarding conduct/result and there as on for not being called for Test/Interview.
31. All the documents to be attached with the application should be self-attested with page number & details of enclosed documents should be specified otherwise the candidate will be responsible for misplace/loss of any enclosed document(s).
32. The University reserves the right to increase or decrease or not to fill or withdraw any or all of the advertised posts without assigning any reason at any stage.
33. All disputes will be subject to Jurisdiction of Gurugram Court only.
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